1. Volumetric Capture.gif
4. VolumetricCapture.gif

Volumetric videos are the latest trend in the world of immersive multimedia. At Vostok VR we are extremely thrilled by this technology as it lies on the edge of 360 video filming innovation and Interactive virtual reality.

Although they can be recorded on normal DSLR cameras, volumetric videos require “depth” data in order to reconstruct a person’s hologram. By using a mix of technologies, we can capture a 3D hologram of a person which later is integrated inside an Interactive VR environment. The result is new storytelling capabilities in VR and 360 video. The video is no longer “flat” as you gain the ability to approach and even interact with the subject.

Creating holograms is still at a very early stage in Singapore. Vostok VR is leading the way with research and development projects that explore the possibilities of this new medium for brands and customers.

Potential uses of volumetric VR videos:

  • An AR or MR representation of a person is uploaded to your mobile device that can be viewed at untraditional and personal angles. One example of this is the documentary Asad & Assad, launched from a Kickstarter campaign in 2018. The team created holographic interviews with Muslim college students to explore their experiences living in the USA. The interviews were uploaded to Hololens and presented at events & exhibitions.

  • Capture unique spaces, atmospheres and people within virtual reality. Flat 2D images are replaced with holograms within a VR experience to add a feeling of presence that so many brands and agencies are striving for. This method was employed in Blackout, a volumetric project that premiered at Sundance and captured memories of strangers on the New York City Subway.

  • Capture human holograms and create interactive scenarios based on specific triggers inside the experience. Holograms change based on the users view point allowing them to decide which image to interact with.

Will volumetric video work for your project? We can help you decide. Volumetric videos and VR holograms can enhance your brand when chosen appropriately. We’ve helped over 100 companies integrate computer-simulated reality into their marketing campaigns.


Take a journey on first Tamil volumetric drama in Asia with holograms

Due to COVID many art events & performances were cancelled. For that reason, award–winning AGAM studio has approached Vostok VR to create Augmented Reality Hologram performance of their main actor Mr. Re. Sommasundaram while playing key part of the Duryodhanan drama. The experience mixes computer generated Augmented Reality (to immerse viewers into the time of the drama) with AR hologram recorded in Singapore. 

3. Asad _ Assad.jpg